
Welcome to the Whidbey West Water Association website!

This website provides information specifically to owners / members / customers of the Whidbey West Water System.


Whidbey West Water Association, of which you are a part, is governed by a volunteer Board of nine homeowner members. They are elected at our Annual Meeting for three-year terms or appointed between annual meetings by a vote of the Board. Our backgrounds are diverse, but we all have one thing in common – a desire to see that the water we all receive is provided to us at the best quality possible at a price we can all afford.

Some of the issues the Board will be working on for the Association in the next few years include:

    • Securing a loan through the USDA Rural Development Program to build a new reservoir on Even ‘Down Way (as the Sandusky reservoir needs to be retired) and replace over 1400 feet of piping among other upgrades
    • Looking into adding water treatment to the project above as well as digital meters for the future
  • The WWWA Board meets only once a month for a few hours. During Board meetings we review water usage, water quality issues, maintenance items that need to be addressed, assess our finances and plan for future upgrades to the system. You don’t need a background in water systems, just a desire to take your turn in helping the Association that provides your water.

Attend the next Board Meeting and see what we do. The third Thursday of every month, 7:00 PM at the Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce Building.

(Because of limited seating, we ask you to notify our Board Secretary you are coming by emailing her, Rana Jayne at rananicole1(@)gmail.com.